Ports & Harbors March/April 2017 issue published

P&H_1703This issue focuses on the “Asia South/West, East and Middle East region”, “Vessel traffic management”, “Port design and planning” and more.


In Open Forum ‘Two assumptions about the future of ports’ Richard Clayton, Fairplay magazine’s chief maritime correspondent -says ports cannot invest unless they have an idea of what will be expected of them.


In Last Word ‘Ports’ choice may not be automatic’ Masaharu Shinohara, Executive Officer at Kobe-Osaka International Port Corporation, Japan and IAPH Vice President, Asia, South/West, East and Middle East region emphases the value of productivity benchmarking for container terminals.



The next May/June 2017 issue will focus on the “Asia, South East and Oceania region”, “Climate change/greenport”, “Port handling equipment” and more.


IAPH Members can see the digital version online at Library Page. If you are not an IAPH Member, please click here for subscription order form (printed version only).


P&H is always welcoming articles or ideas for articles from members as well as comments on the magazine at [email protected]


If you are interested in advertisement, please contact us. IAPH members can place an ad with a 20% discount. Please contact the editorial team for more details.

