IAPH members attend IMO MEPC 80 meeting

Several IAPH regular members attended the 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee in London last week. Port of Long Beach executive director Mario Cordero and managing director of planning and environmental affairs Heather Tomley (both far right in image below) met IMO secretary general Kitack Lim and maritime safety division director Heike Deggim together with IAPH’s managing director Patrick Verhoeven. A Singapore delegation led by chief executive Eng Dih Teo took part in both the 15th Intersessional Working Group on GHG Emissions Reduction from Ships as well as MEPC 80. Other IAPH members attending included a delegation from the Port of Seattle which included commissioner Sam Cho and executive director Stephen Metruck as well as the Algeciras Port Authority and the Port of Montreal. International community relations manager Tom Monballiu presented Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ decarbonisation strategy in a joint session hosted by Chile and Belgium. IAPH technical director Antonis Michail and policy and IMO liaison officer Rhona Macdonald gave debriefings online on two Teams calls yesterday to all technical committee members.


The Port of Long Beach were among several IAPH members at the IMO last week
