
IMO adopts 2023 GHG Strategy

July 14, 2023


Last week saw the IMO finalise and adopt the Revised 2023 IMO GHG Strategy after two weeks of intense and emotional negotiations amongst member states and international organisations at ISWG-GHG 15 and MEPC 80. Despite significant divergence over the levels of ambition, member states demonstrated a willingness to compromise to deliver a strategy for the international maritime sector and to showcase to the wider public a strong commitment to reducing GHG emissions and efforts to combating climate

IAPH / IMO training workshop to take place in Mumbai

July 14, 2023


As part of its contribution to the IMO / Norway GreenVoyage2050 project, IAPH will be delivering a training workshop on port actions for greener shippingin Mumbaifrom 10 to 12 October. Over three days, participants will be trained on emission reduction opportunities in ports, aligned with IMO’s resolutionMEPC.366(79)encouraging voluntary cooperation between the port and shipping sectors to contribute to reducing GHG emissions from ships.Focus will be placed on onshore power supply (OPS), providi

IAPH team strategy meeting held in London

July 14, 2023


Europe-based IAPH team colleagues gathered in London last week in between the IMO MEPC 80 sessions for discussions on internal organisation and strategic options going forward. Top of the agenda was feedback and follow-up actions on the membership survey which we will feature in the next Insider. The team also discussed how to better engage with members overall, how to shape the future World Ports Sustainability Program to meet their expectations, and planning ahead of the further integration of

IAPH members attend IMO MEPC 80 meeting

July 14, 2023


Several IAPH regular members attended the 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee in London last week. Port of Long Beach executive director Mario Cordero andmanaging director of planning and environmental affairs Heather Tomley (both far right in image below) met IMO secretary general Kitack Lim and maritime safety division director Heike Deggim together with IAPH’s managing director Patrick Verhoeven. A Singapore delegation led by chief executive Eng Dih Teo took part in bo

ESI Advisory Group meets in London

July 14, 2023


The IAPH Environmental Ship Index (ESI) Advisory Group met in London on 29 and 30 June to discuss progress with the development of ESI version 2.0. Since May this year, the management and content development of ESI 2.0 is guided and assisted by Panthalassa, a team of experts lead by ex-Port of London Authority and ESI active member, Tanya Ferry. This was the first meeting of the group under the new set-up and was well attended by experts from the Ports of Amsterdam, Antwerp-Bruges, and Vancouver

Jury begins evaluating IAPH Sustainability Awards entries 

July 14, 2023


A record high of86 candidate projectswill be competing for the 2023 IAPH sustainability awards in six categories, namely infrastructure, digitalisation, climate and energy, community building, environmental care, and health, safety and security. We are delighted to oversee this year’s participation of 48 different ports from 31 countries, offering a balanced geographical coverage of all regions of the IAPH membership. We sincerely thank all submitters for sharing their high-quality sustainabilit

IAPH Harbor Café showcases ESI with guests MSC

July 14, 2023


Two weeks ago to the day the most recent, highly popular IAPH Harbor Café took place online on the implementation of vessel calculation tools and port incentive schemes to reduce emissions. Ports from across the African and European continents took part alongside the African Development Bank and special guests MSC who provided the audience with insights on their experience as the largest user of theIAPH Environmental Ship Index. With interactive exchanges between regular and associate members

July-August issue of Ports & Harbors is out

July 14, 2023


The July-August edition of Ports & Harbors has been published. In this edition, we bring shipping and ports together with IAPH managing director Patrick Verhoeven in conversation with Emanuele Grimaldi, chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping. They discuss their organisations’ united decarbonisation journey ahead of the Clean Energy Marine Hubs initiative launch at the Clean Energy Ministerial summit in Goa next week. IMO secretary-general Kitack Lim provides perspective on how ports n

Countdown begins to #IAPH2023

July 14, 2023


With just over three and-a-half months to go until the IAPH World Ports Conference in Abu Dhabi, attendance figures are already heading towards the two hundred mark. We look forward to gathering the world’s port communities together with shipowners, regulators, financial institutions, global shippers such as IKEA and Cargill as well as energy ministers and corporations as we look at #ReinventingPorts to meet the demands of the new energy transition, accelerating digitalisation and enhancing port

Welcome! UK Hydrographic Office from the United Kingdom

July 10, 2023


We are pleased to announce that UK Hydrographic Office has joined the IAPH as an associate member. UK Hydrographic Office is an executive agency of the UK Government producing a global portfolio of ADMIRALTY charts, publications, and digital services for use by mariners for safe and compliant navigation. For more information, please visit the following website.

Welcome! Port of Oakland from the United States

July 05, 2023


We are pleased to announce that the Port of Oakland has joined the IAPH as a regular member. The Port of Oakland was established in 1927 on the East shore of San Francisco Bay. In the late 1960s, it was the first major port on the West Coast to build terminals for container ships. It has served as Northern California's principal ocean gateway for international containerized cargo shipments. Today, it is one of the ten busiest container ports in the U.S. For more information, please visit t

Deadline Extended: IAPH Women’s Forum Scholarship (2023-2025)

June 30, 2023


To provide more applicants with an opportunity to apply, we have decided to extend the deadline, IAPH Women’s Forum (Chaired by MSc. Flor Pitty) has extended the deadline for two weeks for the following scholarship application to Monday, July 17, 2023: Please find the link below for the detail. IAPH Women’s Forum Scholarship 2023-2025
