
Next P&H poll: political representatives at port boards?

September 30, 2022


The question if political representatives should be on the boardof a publicly owned port throws up two arguments. One, the port wants to maintain its independence and is gladly not looking to have legislators join their meetings. On the other hand, the pandemic has shown that port authorities alone cannot enable administrative issues such as crew changes without support from other government agencies. So, which way is best for port authorities?Have your say here!

Welcome! Development Bank of Southern Africa from South Africa

August 29, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Development Bank of Southern Africa has joined the IAPH as an associate member. Development Bank of Southern Africa is a government-owned development finance institution established in 1983. Its mandate is to promote economic growth and regional integration for sustainable development projects and programs in South Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the wider Sub-Saharan Africa. For more information, please visit the following websi

Welcome! Port Autonome de Cotonou from Benin

August 03, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Port Autonome de Cotonou has joined the IAPH as a regular member. Port Autonome de Cotonou (PAC), created on 31 December 1964, represents the port authority and is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and operation of the facilities of the Port of Cotonou, managing the port area, and carrying out the improvement and extension works of the said port. The Port of Cotonou is a natural outlet to countries without a coastline and neighboring Nigeria. It has the f

Welcome! Mitsui E&S Machinery from Japan

August 01, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Mitsui E&S Machinery joined the IAPH as an associate member. Mitsui E&S Machinery develops, designs, manufactures and maintains many kinds of machinery indispensable in marine logistics and transport, such as marine diesel engines and port cranes. In particular, the company deals in quayside container cranes and transfer cranes in container yards and container terminal management systems. Mitsui E&S Machinery was spun off from the former Mitsui Engineering & Shi

IAPH president addressed UNCTAD expert meeting

July 22, 2022


Transport and logistics are facing multiple imperatives spanning digitalisation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, transition to low carbon fuels, environmental sustainability, and energy and food security. Held 12-14 July, theninth session of the UNCTAD Multi-year Expert Meeting on Transport, Trade Logistics and Trade Facilitationprovided a timely opportunity to reflect on the key issues at stake for the sector and provide recommendations on the best way forward, identify priority actio

IAPH managing director spoke at MEDports forum

July 22, 2022


The MEDports Association groups 23 ports on the northern, eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. On 7-8 July, the association held an international forum in Civitavecchia, Italy, to discuss the challenges of digitalisation for Mediterranean ports. IAPH managing director Patrick Verhoeven delivered the opening keynote address, in which he presented the course IAPH set in 2020 to accelerate digitalisation in the port sector, discussing subsequent initiatives to stimulate data collab

Next P&H poll: river transport to alleviate congestion

July 22, 2022


One of the solutions hailed – and now tested – to reduce emissions and relieve congestion in ports, is to make more use of transhipment and countries’ river networks. In China, this recently helped to ease the burden on Shanghai’s port while being in lockdown. In turn, this was an economic boost for smaller river ports further inlands that benefited from the rerouted cargo. In Europe, river networks are constantly expanded to increase the amount of barge transport. Also, the smaller ships used f

Port Endeavor gameplay in Antwerp, Vigo and Valencia

July 22, 2022


Between 4 and 8 July a delegation of young Indian MBA candidate professionals coordinated by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade took part in a tailor-made APEC study tour on port operations, cargo, safety and sustainability in Antwerp, playing eight rounds of the IAPH sustainability game Port Endeavor on their penultimate afternoon, supported by IAPH communications director Victor Shieh.The players came from a variety of multinational backgrounds in the finance, software, consultancy and manu

FAIMM, IAPH Associate member and BGA introduce two Master Degrees open to the Italian maritime sector

July 19, 2022


Press release from Italian Shipping Academy, IAPH Associate member and BCA GIME strengthens the partnership by introducing two cutting-edge Masters Degrees to the Italian Maritime industry After the launch of the agreement last November 2021, the Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile (Italian Shipping Academy) and BCA GIME introduce two Masters degrees in Ship Management and Marine Engineering Management. Genoa & Athens, July 18th, 2022 – On November 2021 the Genoa based Fondazione Accade

Welcome! Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile from Italy

July 14, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile has joined the IAPH as an associate member. Fondazione Accademia Italiana della Marina Mercantile, founded in 2005 in Genoa, is a public institution that issues degrees from the Ministry of Education, University and Research in the field of non-university tertiary education, carrying out its activities through public and private funding and without lucrative purposes. Its mission is to provide specialized trai

More support is needed for Ukrainian port workers

July 08, 2022


A few months ago, IAPH and The Seafarers’ Charity initiated an emergency appeal to support Ukrainian port workers and their families, who since the start of the invasion have been in the frontline of the conflict.The situation has since then only deteriorated. The port cities of Mariupol, Berdyansk and Kherson have fallen and Black Sea ports like Odesa remain under continuous threat. Meanwhile, port workers are making relentless efforts to organise grain exports from the Danube ports to alleviat

First quarterly results World Ports Tracker published

July 08, 2022


We are pleased to announce that the first quarterly dashboard and detailed report of the IAPH World Ports Tracker has been produced for our members, aiming to track critical aspects on the evolving changes in the global port industry. It is the first report of its kind to monitor trends of all cargo types being handled at world ports and it has also incorporated global trends in cruise and passenger vessel activities. With the ongoing global supply chain crunch and the resurgence of the cruise i
