Welcome! SSA Marine from the USA

May 19, 2022


We are pleased to announce that SSA Marine has joined the IAPH as a regular member. SSA Marine provides transportation services that include marine terminal and rail operations, equipment procurement, project management, personnel training, trucking, warehousing, etc. Founded in 1949 as Bellingham Stevedoring Company, it began the first cargo handling operations in Washington State. The company sought opportunities to expand terminal operations up and down the West Coast, US, and international m

Welcome! CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd from Singapore

May 19, 2022


We are pleased to announce that CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd has joined the IAPH as an associate member. Its principal activity is to develop software and applications (except games and cybersecurity), and the secondary activity is computer facilities management. CrimsonLogic is a trusted partner to governments and businesses globally. For 30 years, the Group has partnered with customers to innovate sustainable world-class solutions, products, and services in Trade Facilitation, eJudiciary and Digital G

We need your support for Ukrainian port workers

May 13, 2022


Ukrainian seaports are in the frontline of the war, as the aggression against the port cities of Mariupol, Berdyansk and Kherson has demonstrated. The environment is chaotic, dangerous, and fast moving, with other ports in the Black Sea, such as Odesa, now under threat. IAPH has decided to work withThe Seafarers’ Charityin launching an emergency appeal to support port workers and their families impacted by the humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Ukraine. In the video below IAPH managing d

#IAPH2022: #ClosetheGaps at the regional sessions

May 13, 2022


In the running up to the World Ports Conference eight regional online workshops were held to identify gaps in port competitiveness and ways to close them. The results of the Chatham House Rule workshops will be presented and discussed with the IAPH Vice-Presidents during the regional breakfast sessions at the Vancouver conference, on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 May. We are delighted to provide you with downloadable, easy-to-read executive summaries of the workshops through the following links:North

#IAPH2022: celebrating 10 year’s IAPH Women’s Forum

May 13, 2022


Coinciding with the firstIMO International Day for Women in Maritime, the IAPH Women’s Forum will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on 18 May, with a dedicated breakfast session. Chaired by Namrata Nadkarni, CEO and founder of Intent Communications and former editor of Ports & Harbors and held in the presence of former IAPH president Geraldine Knatz, delegates will be discussing the future of the Forum and enjoy presentations by the winners of the Forum’s scholarships, Dimuthu Samarakoon of Sr

#IAPH2022: join the strategic technical committees

May 13, 2022


All regular and associate IAPH members attending the World Ports Conference are very welcome to join and actively take part in the meetings of our strategic technical committees in the morning of Thursday 19 May. The Climate and Energy Committee will discuss the latest update from the IMO intersessional working group on GHG emissions of shipping, which is taking place during the same week, and what can be expected at the forthcoming meeting of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEP

#IAPH2022: discover our cruise, legal and operations work

May 13, 2022


In the afternoon of Thursday 19 May, we willbe relaunching the IAPH Cruise Committee, onboarding a new chair at our Legal Committee and sharing best practice at the inaugural meeting of the Planning, Operations and Finance Committee. Following a pause of two years, the Cruise Committee will resume its activities in Vancouver. The main aim of the meeting is to define a work programme for the Committee for the coming years, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, including reduction of emissions

#IAPH2022: come and play the Port Endeavor game

May 13, 2022


We close the Thursday in Vancouver with a live demonstration of Port Endeavor, the world’s only business game on sustainable port development, in partnership with UNCTAD TrainForTrade.This unique game designed for port executives uses real life examples of how ports apply the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in practice. It has been played already by ports from the Americas, Europe, Middle East Africa and Asia, virtually and in person, and is a fixed feature on courses with our partnersUN

Next P&H poll: should regional GHG measures prevail?

May 13, 2022


With no immediate breakthrough expected to determine global market-based measures in the short term, is it right for maritime to proceed with regional emission reduction measures? This is our question for the next Ports & Harbors poll. The next IMO MEPC is due to take place in early June. Expectations are high that global and equitable market-based measures will be discussed to reduce maritime’s global carbon footprint. However, with these discussions having stalled in the meantime, a solution o

IAPH spoke at MEDports Green Transition seminar

May 13, 2022


On 28 April, thePort of AlgecirasandMEDports Associationhosted the seminar Green Transition for Maritime Transport in Algeciras, Spain. The event was organised in three sessions, addressing the current state of the art, including the implementation of the IMO GHG strategy and the European ‘Fit for 55’ package, successful innovation cases from Mediterranean shipping companies, and a roundtable on sustainable projects from Mediterranean port authorities. IAPH technical director Antonis Michail joi

New edition of Container Port Performance Index

May 13, 2022


Produced for the first timein 2021 by the World Bank Group and S&P Global Market Intelligence, theContainer Port Performance Index (CPPI)is a comparable index of global container port performance. The index is intended to serve as a reference point for key stakeholders in the global economy, including national governments, port authorities, development agencies and private organisations engaged in trade, logistics and supply chain services. As that reference point, the CPPI is intended to identi

Discover the twelve IAPH priorities for 2022-2023

June 10, 2022


At the IAPH Annual General Meeting held after the 2022 World Ports Conference, members were presented with an overview of our work programme for the coming year. The programme consists of twelve priorities, grouped according to the three strategic focus areas of the organisation. It builds on the #ClosetheGaps theme of the Vancouver conference, the follow-up of which shapes our first priority, which consists of a joint report andIAPH’s contribution to the next edition of The World Bank’s Port Re
