The May-June issue of Ports & Harbors is out

May 12, 2022


The latest editionof Ports & Harbors,the IAPHmembership magazineproduced by IHS Markit, now part of S&P Global, is out.Our cover story features an exclusive interview withCarl Benztel of the US Federal Maritime Commission. In conversation with IAPH managing director Patrick Verhoeven and P&h editor Ines Nastali, the commissionerdiscusses standardising US trade data and making the market more resilient without adding more red tape. He also speaks about the Ocean Shipping Reform Act that is taking

Member Ports News(32)

May 10, 2022

Member Port News

Europe and Africa Region 18-Apr Cyprus Ports Authority: CPA supports Cyprus Anti-Cancer Society - Press Release 18-Apr Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva: The activity of the Port of Huelva generates 36,589 jobs 20-Apr Port of London Authority: Draw-off extension 2022 Annual Stakeholder Forum 22-Apr APS- Administração dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve, SA: REPRESENTATIVES OF BRAZILIAN TRANSPORT ENTITIES VISIT THE PORT OF SINES Baku International Sea Trade Port: "Baku port's gr

Welcome! Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) from Namibia

May 10, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) has joined the IAPH as a regular member. The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) is a public enterprise and manages Namibia’s ports in Walvis Bay and Lüderitz. The Port of Walvis Bay, situated on Africa’s southwestern coast, serves a convenient and fast transit route, connecting southern Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas. The Port of Lüderitz, located 254 nautical miles south of the Port of Walvis Bay, caters for Namibia’s

World Maritime News (33)

May 10, 2022

World Maritime News

Disruption of supply chain and outlook for container freight rate Uncertainty over economic recovery and China's lockdowns has seen a decline in volumes and rates in northern Europe. But longer-term contracts remain over twice last year's level. Containerized spot freight rates have declined, continuing a trend since rates peaked in the first week of this year. Delays in container transport from Asia increased in the first quarter, even before the impact of the latest pandemic-related restr

Welcome! Northwest Seaport Alliance from the USA

May 09, 2022


We are pleased to announce that Northwest Seaports Alliance has joined the IAPH as a regular member. The Northwest Seaport Alliance is a port development authority equally governed by the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma. The Northwest Seaport Alliance, officially formed in August 2015, manages the container, break bulk, auto, and some bulk terminals in Seattle and Tacoma. It marks a historical first in North America, following comprehensive public outreach and approval from the Federal Maritime Co

Michael Luguje appointed as IAPH’s new Vice President for the Africa Region

May 06, 2022


New IAPH Regional Vice President to focus on rallying Africa's ports to further enhance their resilience International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) is pleased to announce that Mr. Michael Achagwe Luguje, Managing Director, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority, Ghana, has been elected as Vice President for the Africa Region by a vote of confidence of its Region’s members. Michale Luguje commented : “On behalf of my country Ghana and the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority,

Appeal launched by IAPH and The Seafarers’ Charity to assist Ukrainian port workers and their families

April 27, 2022


A cargo ship at berth alongside a monument to a sailor’s wife and child in the port of Odesa Ukrainian seaports are in the frontline of the war. Help port workers and their families, now and through the crisis. The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH)is working withThe Seafarers’ Charityto support port workers and their families impacted by the humanitarian disaster caused by the war in Ukraine. Ukrainian seaports are in the frontline of the war, as the siege

#IAPH2022: hear what cargo owners expect from ports

April 22, 2022


Carriers, supply chain solution providers, terminal operators and forwarders are all competing for direct relationships with cargo owners, but what about ports? As importers, exporters and traders seek to solve their supply chain headaches, what do they expect from port authorities? At the 2022 World Ports Conference, you’ll hear fromLori Fellmer, vice president of logistics and carrier management at the chemical company BassTech International, and chair of the ocean transportation committee of

#IAPH2022: CMF and ESI meetings

April 22, 2022


Next to the meetings of theIAPH Technical Committees, in-person meetings of theIAPH Clean Marine Fuels (CMF)andEnvironmental Ship Index (ESI)projects are also scheduled to be held in Vancouver. The CMF working group is meeting 12 and 13 May, with a plenary session discussing fuel timelines, the future CMF roadmap, promotion of new LNG bunker checklists and the all-fuels audit tool for bunker operations. This is followed by dedicated workstreams on safety and port empowerment. On 20 May, an ESI s

#IAPH2022: P&H poll on closing the gaps

April 22, 2022


The regional pre-conference workshops that were held in February and March aimed to identify gaps in port operations, with the World Ports Conference aiming to #CloseTheGaps and issue a call toaction. To help identifythe main priorities for ports andtheir customers, the next edition of the IAPH membership magazine Ports & Harbors asks which of the suggested focus areas (connectivity and accessibility, port efficiency, cost of cargo shipping, regulatory environment, digitalisation, decarbonisatio

Third meeting of IAPH DCC innovation group held

April 22, 2022


The third meeting of the innovation group of the IAPH Data Collaboration Committee was held 7 April, under the leadership of Gadi Benmoshe of Marinnovators, with support of Committee chairman Pascal Ollivier (Maritime Street). Members discussed ways to collectively support innovation covering common challenges that the port industry and their ultimate customers – cargo owners – are facing. In addition, the organisation of a series of targeted discussion platforms and white papers was envisaged.

IAPH at WCO SAFE working group meeting

April 22, 2022


The SAFE working group of the World Customs Organization (WCO) met virtually from 11 to 13 April. The chairman of the IAPH Data Collaboration Committee, Pascal Ollivier, attended the session on partnerships between customs and other government agencies, to update SAFE working group members on the development of the WCO-IAPH customs-port cooperation guidelines, which were initiated at the beginning of this year. The guidelines are to address the challenges of cooperation between customs and port
