Jury begins evaluating IAPH Sustainability Awards entries 

A record high of 86 candidate projects will be competing for the 2023 IAPH sustainability awards in six categories, namely infrastructure, digitalisation, climate and energy, community building, environmental care, and health, safety and security. We are delighted to oversee this year’s participation of 48 different ports from 31 countries, offering a balanced geographical coverage of all regions of the IAPH membership. We sincerely thank all submitters for sharing their high-quality sustainability initiatives which can be viewed on the World Ports Sustainability Program website under the projects portfolio portal. The difficult task now passes to our jury of experts who have already started evaluating the projects as of 10 July. The jury will define the eighteen finalists, namely the top-3 projects in each of the six categories, by the end of August. A public vote will then be launched among the finalists on the WPSP website in September. The jury evaluation and the results of the public vote will co-determine the final winners to be awarded during the dedicated ceremony at the gala dinner of the World Ports Conference in Abu Dhabi on 1 November. We wish good luck to all award candidates for this year’s intense competition. This year’s expert jury are in the below picture left to right, from top to bottom: Dr Geraldine Knatz, professor of practice University of Southern California, Gerald Munjanganja, line manager Seatrade, Barbara Salgado, editor-at-large Mundomaritimo, Dr Christopher Wooldridge, joint science coordinator EcoPorts, Namrata Nadkarni, founder and CEO Intent Communications,  Mark Assaf, chief human resources development UNCTAD TrainForTrade,  Ines Nastali, editor Ports & Harbors, Dr Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, former president World Maritime University and Dominica’s candidate IMO secretary-general.

