Latest container port efficiency ratings revealed

The latest edition of the Container Port Performance Index (CPPI) 2023 – a comprehensive report that ranks 405 global container ports based on efficiency – was released earlier this month. A collaborative effort between The World Bank and S&P Global Market Intelligence, the CPPI is a tool for stakeholders in the global trading system and supply chains to understand the impact of global maritime shifts on port performance and economic development. The rankings in the latest edition of the CPPI (covering 2023) saw Yangshan Port in China hold on to its lead as the world’s most efficient container port; East and Southeast Asian ports secured 13 of the top 20 spots. The impact of regional disruptions was evident in an increase of the average port call duration from 36.8 hours in 2022 to 40.5 hours in 2023. The World Bank’s lead transport economist Martin Humphreys has more details on supply chain resilience and port efficiency here, and the latest edition of the CPPI can be downloaded here.

