IAPH president and MD met with PLA and IMO

On Monday, IAPH president Jens Meier joined managing director Patrick Verhoeven in London, for meetings with the Port of London Authority (PLA) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). At the PLA offices, they met with chief executive Robin Mortimer, and Grace Rawnsley, the director of sustainability. The discussion focused on cooperation with the PLA on matters of mutual strategic interest, notably in the field of sustainability, and the further integration of IAPH in the London-based maritime community. At the IMO headquarters, Jens and Patrick met with secretary-general Arsenio Dominguez, and updated him on pending and upcoming submissions IAPH is preparing, notably for the next Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 82). The IMO secretary-general will be delivering a keynote address at the World Ports Conference in Hamburg this year, which will be the week after MEPC 82.

