IAPH CEC prepares IMO GHG submissions

Members of the IAPH Climate and Energy Committee (CEC) met online on 8 July. The agenda featured a discussion on two submissions that IAPH is preparing ahead of the IMO GHG meetings this September, including the 82th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 82). Members approved the approach for a submission on the IMO Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) and its relation to the new GHG module of the IAPH Environmental Ship Index (ESI). While it is the intention for ESI to remain as close as possible to IMO standards, the submission indicates that at this stage it is premature to include the CII as part of the ESI GHG formula, given the former’s present shortcomings. The second submission will relay the findings of a study that IAPH commissioned on energy-transition-related investment needs for ports in developing countries. Indra Vonk (MTBS) presented and discussed the approach and initial outcomes of the study, highlighting the case study of Kenya. Other case studies include Brazil, India, Indonesia and Solomon Islands. The summarised outcomes of the study will be submitted to IMO MEPC 82, reinforcing previous IAPH contributions to the debate on the use of revenues generated through an IMO economic measure. The IAPH Climate and Energy Committee also reviewed the ongoing work on an onshore power standard for bulk carriers (see article above) and members were updated on the development of the Port Readiness Level tool for clean Marine Fuels (PRL-MF) as well as the integration of the World Ports Climate Action Program (WPCAP) into IAPH.
